aah something or another
26 May 2005
  I graduated this past Sunday. It was rainy and very cold. I was grumpy.

Anyway, now things begin, yes? The real world, yes? I will look for job and make plans to settle, yes? I'm very seriously thinking about moving to Chicago. It's a fascinating city with lots of life, and I think I'd find lots of stimulation and inspiration there. Tiffany's moving there in August to go to grad school. My original impetus was staying with her and avoiding another long distance relationship disaster. Chicago the City, Chicago Itself has been magnetizing me now. I want to live in Chicago! I want to work in Chicago, have fun in Chicago, make love in Chicago, experience the universe of Chicago. Chicago Chicago Chicago!

So it's looking pretty good that I'll go there. I'll look for a music teaching position, or maybe I'll just substitute teach. I'll bring my mando and Nodal Nim and try to find some venues to perform at. I'll make friends and have conversations and feel generally part of something great.

That's the plan.

...I think... 
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