aah something or another
27 February 2005

I wind up on a school trip with some people. There's a woman there who's really cool and nice; we're obviously attracted to each other, and we talk a lot. She's a professor.

Another part, there's a play I've written for a class of children to perform. I'm sitting on the stage as they perform it. A kid accidentally pushes over a very tall cupboard, but I catch it. The kid does it again on purpose, and I have to reprimand him for it.

I find a bunch of mice, about seven, maybe, and I drug them so they all fall asleep. Then, I take them into the kitchen to cook them up. One mouse wakes up, and I let em go. The others stay sleeping, so they get cooked. I don't think I eat the mice afterward; I think I go to the bathroom and throw up instead. 
20 February 2005
  So I'm having a very lazy four-day weekend in Troy. I caught up on Carnivàle, which is an excellent show on HBO that my mom has kindly been taping for me. I went with her last night to see Finding Neverland, which was very good. Dave came over a couple nights ago for Settlers of Catan, Yahtzee, and general catching up. I've been sleeping late. Today, I have yet to do something very productive (other than drafting a complex Nomic proposal). I need to either do some reading for History of the Theatre II or some drawing for Drawing I. I'll get around to it, I guess.

School's been pretty good. After a week in bad spirits with lots of accidental and intentional class skips, I had a good week during which I went to all my classes (that weren't cancelled due to snow/ice/etc.). I had a Nodal Nim show on Thursday that went well. I got a pretty decent number of people to come, which was neat. Self-promotion pays.

Yup, and now I'm taking it easy for a bit. Classes start again Wednesday. I guess it's an ok last semester so far. 
12 February 2005
  another dream (I almost forgot):

I'm in a canoe with two other people. (Or, perhaps, we are in three canoes right next to each other.) The people may have been Eric and Steph, but I don't know. We are next to the shore and holding a page of paper with essays we have each written about our relationship with God and spirituality. A person is looking down at our essays from the shore, and nodding with approval. I feel a little embarassed. 

Joel was John Kerry's vice, not Edwards, in the election. But, since Kerry didn't win, Joel came back to Potsdam and continued his schooling. He and I are riding a Ferris Wheel, and I ask him how the hell he got to be a candidate for the Vice Presidency. He explained that John Kerry and his wife were getting into an argument when he happened to be there to help resolve it, and they've been friends ever since. He was a little embarassed talking about the election, after his side loss. 
This is where I may or may not post something of a personal nature on a daily or non-daily basis.


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