aah something or another
Tomorrow is the last day of the schoolyear. I have to arrange a final meeting with my off-campus supervisor and get my messy little studio apartment clean and empty. Then I leave. I'm shooting for early Sunday at the latest.
This is a weekend to get things done.
I had a nice nap.
A week and a half of school remain.
Before I forget, I want to write down that a few nights ago, I dreamed I was working at Dunkin' Donuts again, and Stephanie Thompson was the new manager.
Something about big windows, too.
Isn't it great when you're trying to figure out which answer is the correct one and then come to the conclusion that both answers are correct? It's especially fun when they cannot logically coexist, and yet, logically, they must.
I almost forgot to post last night's dream:
I was hanging out with Mott family members. We did something illegal and were on the run from the police.
Jason Miller is driving me somewhere, and decides to take us there by way of escalator. The car barrels down this outdoor escalator; people are running for their lives. It's a frightening experience for all but Jason, it would seem. Once down, we are on a college campus, and in a part of it that cars aren't supposed to drive. We'd like to find a way out of there without taking another escalator. I see I guy I knew freshman year of college and ask him how to get a car out of there.
How do I know that you're not a cockroach?
I got good sleep, and teaching went pretty well for a Monday.
I wonder when they will make the first 4-dimensional video game.