aah something or another
31 March 2004
30 March 2004
  priority wash success 
29 March 2004
  priority wash failure 
28 March 2004
  I got my Vitamin D, how about you? 
27 March 2004
a real erhu and a real erhu player

my erhu and me

Yep. It's a three-and-a-half inch model of an erhu. It doesn't make a sound.

See the ebay page. Notice the clues that this is a model: decoration.... 3.5"
I didn't notice these little red flags when I bid on this item.
Oh well.
At least I got some cool stamps from Hong Kong.
26 March 2004
  the switch 
25 March 2004
  I must establish my discipline.

It is rewarding to do what is necessary.

I must establish routine.

I will eat and sleep and do right.

Discipline is key for success. 
  nothing good 
24 March 2004
  A happy and good visit to Central Square. Excited. ...! 
23 March 2004
Sharing an unusual drink with a new friend, Blender. 
22 March 2004
  Another week begins. I shall be sleeping better and getting back into goodness. 
21 March 2004
  It's been a xenharmonic weekend in a very good way. Two cds came in the mail: 50 Jaar Stichting Huygens-Fokker, a cd of mostly 31-tone organ works, and Crash Landing by the Catler Bros., jazz-rock fusion in 49-note JI. I recorded a bunch of little pieces (I only put one online) and shared much of what I know and do with Eric and Steph during their brief but joyful visit. I'm looking forward to three more xenharmonic joys: two cds by Buzz Kimball and one Chinese erhu.

It was good to get the apartment cleaned up. It was good to play some NES. It was good to get some sleep. I plan to not let sleep escape me this week.

Much love to all,
  It was wonderful to have guests last night and less wonderful to not have guests today. 
20 March 2004
  I just finished cleaning house in preparation for a visit from Eric and Steph. Oh boy! 
19 March 2004
  ebay erhu 
17 March 2004
  I must be reflective. 
16 March 2004
  •another sick day
•car seems to work now
•awesome nonoctave scale
•clean floors 
15 March 2004
  ...and Monday kicks me in the teeth. 
14 March 2004
  Imagine improvising tunings: creating new scales on the spot. Start with an 11-limit JI pentatonic, then build another one starting on a 20/11, then another from that scale's 20/11... new notes all over the place. At a climax, start playing 13tET, then alternative between 15tET and 88cET. Go back into JI, then make non-octave scales from the featured JI intervals. Play in 7tET, then 31tET, then just play a bunch of different kinds of tritones at random pitches. All the while, the others in the band are making their own scales and going to their own places, still listening to each other of course, but playing notes that are all their own. Wow! 
  Imagine this 6-piece band:
1. fretless electric guitar & erhu
2. guqin & fretless bass
3. cumbus & oud
4. continuum fingerboard
5. percussion
6. vocals

All instruments have flexible intonation. Any and all tunings can be played at any time, without any retuning process. This is the ultimate pan-intonational acoustic-electric band. Rock! 
  Yesterday was entirely unproductive, so today must be entirely productive. I have many lessons to write. 
12 March 2004
  It was, yes, a good learning week. 

My car didn't start today.

Details pending. 
11 March 2004
  nothing today

or at least very little 
10 March 2004
  Beautiful Springshiny Day! 
09 March 2004
looking up to the right - visual construction
looking up to the left - visual memory
looking to the right - auditory construction
looking to the left - auditory memory
looking down to the right - kinesthetic construction
looking down to the left - inner dialogue
A de-focused gaze straight ahead indicates an intense state of visual searching 
08 March 2004
07 March 2004
  11-limit slidefinger happy. 
06 March 2004
  I wrote one really good lesson today. I have four really good lessons to write tomorrow. Planning is key. Planning is key. Planning is key. Let's have a good learning week! 
05 March 2004
  complete Nodal Nim audio has been made available 
04 March 2004
  Again, I don't know. Why am I here? Why am I doing this to myself? 
03 March 2004
  If I thought that in life I would ever know the complete answer to any question, I don't think I want anything to do with it anymore. 
02 March 2004
  Sometimes I know why I want to teach. Sometimes I forget. I had forgotten, but today, I remembered. If I don't know why I want to teach, I can't teach, and the whole thing is depressing and dishonest. Here's looking forward to better weeks than last! 
  I know more now. 
01 March 2004
  I don't know. 
This is where I may or may not post something of a personal nature on a daily or non-daily basis.


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